Looking Back at EE 2024

The 2024 Edition of the 3E Conference with the theme “Entrepreneurship Education – A Playground for Impact”, provides a platform for discussion, exchange of best practices and exploration of new approaches to entrepreneurship education. As the local committee, we believe entrepreneurship education should be seen as a playground for educators, scholars and students, where innovative action and experimentation are invited and encouraged.

We have had a large number of submissions (record of 238! ), thank you all for that. Because the conference takes place during a busy teaching period, there is a limit to the number of break-out rooms we could secure. This unfortunately resulted in rejecting many submissions. Nevertheless, the final number of presentations is similar to the conference in Aarhus. This secures the 3E tradition of having an intimate, small-scale conference to promote discussion and get directly in touch with other participants.  During the 2024 conference, the next edition will be announced! So we encourage all to keep an eye for the theme and the key dates. And for those coming to Amsterdam, we look forward to meeting you at the Conference!