Looking back to Amsterdam 2024

The 3E Conference 2024 was a thought-provoking, inspirational, and enjoyable event. The theme, “A Playground for Impact,” set the stage for a dynamic and engaging conference that inspired and connected participants from around the globe. 

We heard that many participants appreciated its community feel and the open and playful atmosphere, which facilitated meaningful discussions and connections. The three days were divided into plenary sessions, Professional Development Workshops (PDW) and research paper presentations covering a wide variety of themes related to entrepreneurship education. 

Plenary sessions focused on active-learning pedagogical approaches and creating playful, responsible, and impactful entrepreneurship education models. Engaging Professional Development Workshops incorporated topics such as changing students’ skills and minds, teamwork, AI in the entrepreneurial classroom and focus on the entrepreneurial teacher. Paper presentations covered subjects like personal development of student-entrepreneurs, an entrepreneurial mindset, coaching and support for changemaking, (dark) emotions and well-being as well as female entrepreneurship. On top of that, European Entrepreneurship Education Award Winner Francisco Liñan was also featured for his long career expanding the impact of entrepreneurship in higher education. 

We meet again next year in Munich 2025, check their website https://3e2025.org/ for more information

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