Call for Contributions

This year there are two calls, one for research papers and one for practitioner development workshops (PDWs). Each author can appear in maximum of two abstracts/proposals in total.

Regardless of the type of contribution, the focus should be on questions, opportunities, and future challenges. At the 3E Conferences, the element ‘Questions we care about’ is essential of all submissions to bring relevance and novelty into the discussions. All contributions will be double blind peer-reviewed and developmental feedback will be provided.

This year, in addition to the Best Research Paper Award and Best PDW award, we will award a Best Player Award for the contribution that connects best to the theme of the conference: Entrepreneurship Education – a Playground for Impact. We will consider the playfulness of the topic addressed, your research or teaching approach, and the delivery format of your session.

Please see the full Call for Contributions (pdf)

Specific submission guidelines for each submission type: